Improvement of the Mental State in the Intervals between Epileptic Seizures

Investigated were 56 severely epileptic ill pa­tients in a special hospital for epilepsy.
In the experimental group 34 of these patients received in addition to the conventional thera­pies a treatment with Medical Resonance Therapy Music®, and in the control group 22 patients received the conventional drug treat­ment only.

The psychological investigations were per­formed by the help of the Minnesota Mul­ti­pha­sic Personality Inventory (MMPI).

Medical Resonance Therapy Music® Group (Experimental Group)

Changes in the interparoxysmal state were documented in 67,7% of the patients of this group as positive, in 23,5% as undefined and in 8,8% as negative. Most sensitive for the positive effects of the Medical Resonance Therapy Music® were the following MMPI-pa­rame­ters:
  1. asthenic traits
  2. paranoid traits
  3. hypochondria
  4. aggressiveness
  5. depressive states
  6. and the general degree
    of the illness
In this, the Medical Resonance Therapy Music® had the strongest healing effect on the psycho-pathological syndrome, which was predominant in the status of the individual pa­tient.
Control Group

In this group the changes of the in­ter­par­ox­ys­mal state were recorded in 36,4% of the ob­ser­va­tions as positive, in 31,8% as undefined and in 31,8% as negative.



Dr. med. T. J. Teterkina
Dr. med. W. Sidorenko
Dr. med. A. S. Fedulow
Dr. med. G. A. Lukaschewitsch
Dr. med. G. W. Massalski