Improvement of Sleep in Pregnant Women with a
Mild Form of the OPH-Syndrome

Under investigation were pregnant women in the third trimester of pregnancy with a mild degree of OPH-syndrome (gestosis – neph­ropa­thy – with swellings at the feet, later at the whole body, hypertension, too much pro­tein in urine).

Medical Resonance Therapy Music® Group

For 7-10 days 13 women listened to the Medi­cal Resonance Therapy Music® in the morning and after lunch and had no other therapy dur­ing these days. All 13 patients complained about sleep disorders.

Through the treatment with the Medical Reso­nance Therapy Music® sleep improved in 10 of them (77%).

Control Group

The women in this group received sedative and hypotensive drugs as well as a phy­to­thera­peu­tic treatment.
Here 14 women were under investigation, all of which suffered from sleep disorders which were treated with medical drugs.

The drug therapy had a comparable success: in 11 women (78,5%) sleep improved.



Prof. Dr. med. G. Gerassimowitsch
Prof. Dr. med. Walentina Sidorenko
Dr. med. Swetlana Scheleg