Medical Media Group: So, now I come back to Amer­ica. Due to the wish of many Ameri­can phy­si­cians and sci­en­tific ex­perts you now make Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic® more known in the USA – par­ticu­larly in the medi­cal world. Did you al­ready start with it or do you still want to start?

Peter Hübner: The pub­lisher Aar Edi­tion has pre­pared this cam­paign to­gether with other or­gani­za­tions. In Ger­many and the USA this is start­ing now.

Medical Media Group: Will you par­tici­pate in it per­son­ally – will you go to USA and give in­ter­views there?

Peter Hübner: It de­pends on how things de­velop and how the in­ter­est is there. Of course I will be per­son­ally avail­able and I am also pre­pared, men­tally-emo­tion­ally, to pos­si­bly spend a greater part of my fu­ture in the USA.

Medical Media Group: Then we wish you good suc­cess here, in this en­tire en­deavor, and an en­joy­able fu­ture in the USA with Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic®, or digi­tal phar­ma­ceu­tics and the har­mony laws of the mi­cro­cosm of mu­sic re­spec­tively.