
Part 1   •   Part 2


Music as a Harmonic
Medical Data Carrier

The Special Status of the
Ear in the Organism

The Ear as a
Medical Instrument

The Significance of the
Soul to Medicine

The Significance of
our Consciousness
to Medicine

The Significance of the
Soul to Human Evolution

Scientists of Tuebingen discover the Brain Regions responsible for
Self Awareness

The Future of Pharmaceutics

Peter Hübner



Peter Hübner - Micro Music Laboratories
Peter Hübner – The Significance of the Soul to Medicine

And if my soul says to my self: “No!” – then my self with­draws the vi­tal en­ergy from all my in­ner or­gans of knowl­edge and more­over from my body, so that this house col­lapses, and I die: my outer life has ended. We can learn to ex­peri­ence our in­ner life as such. And then we can even pene­trate to an area – and har­moni­cal mu­sic, too, and/or the har­mony laws of the mi­cro­cosm of mu­sic can lead us there –, where life has no be­gin­ning and no end, thus: to im­mor­tal­ity.
The ex­peri­ence of im­mor­tal­ity is there­fore ab­so­lutely pos­si­ble. I know quite a num­ber of peo­ple, who have had this ex­peri­ence them­selves – with­out my mu­sic and with my mu­sic.

Af­ter this ex­peri­ence they un­der­standa­bly have no fear of death – be­cause for them death does not exist, but is only an illusion of those who have not had the ex­peri­ence of im­mor­tal­ity – or bet­ter: the ex­peri­ence of pure life in it­self.

The fun­da­men­tal qual­ity of the soul is har­mony. When we have learned to pro­ject this in­ner qual­ity of the soul to­wards the out­side: into our intellect, our feeling and our mind, into our in­ner senses of per­cep­tion – into our hearing, feel­ing, seeing, tast­ing and smell­ing –, into our thinking and beyond that into our physiology, then we transfer this natural harmony of our soul onto all these ar­eas in our life – then we no longer need Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic®.

There­fore I am still work­ing in my pro­fes­sion and hope that the time will soon come, when peo­ple say: “I no longer need this mu­sic, this is no longer use­ful to me! I have all this more perfectly in my inner self, I know that now – I have onto all these ar­eas in our life – then we no longer need Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic®.

There­fore I am still work­ing in my pro­fes­sion and hope that the time will soon come, when peo­ple say: “I no longer need this mu­sic, this is no longer use­ful to me! I have ex­peri­enced it my­self! Thank you very much, but now I no longer need your Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic!”

But as long as our soul is not sup­ported by our think­ing, it starts re­volt­ing through our self and its liv­ing space: our con­sci­ence.
And the ef­fect of this re­bel­lion of the soul is: hu­mans suffer from in­ner un­rest, then from in­som­nia, peo­ple be­come un­happy, be­come ad­dicted, fi­nally turn to crime, and in ex­treme cases com­mit sui­cide.
But all this only comes from not giv­ing our self and/or our soul the pos­si­bil­ity to be the king in its own house – some­thing that would ac­tu­ally be nor­mal.

The har­mony laws re­veal to us – the whole mi­cro­cosm of mu­sic shows us and: Pythagoras tells us that a natu­ral hi­er­ar­chy exists in the uni­verse, in the cos­mos. Thus, two things are never really the same, and ac­cord­ingly, two things never have the same po­si­tion.
The same ap­plies to my per­sonal ex­is­tence as well: my soul has – in as far as I can ini­tially see and judge this – the high­est po­si­tion. My self, in which my soul lives, has a less high position, then comes my intellect – that power, which co-ordinates my feeling and un­der­stand­ing; there­fore my feel­ing and un­der­stand­ing have a lower po­si­tion than my in­tel­lect.

My senses have even less high positions, my thinking even less natural power, and my physiology even less power.
Thus, my soul is deep in my inside – con­cealed in the sun of my self – the true ruler of my life.

Symphonies of the Great Stream No. 1
With kind permission of AAR EDITION INTERNATIONAL

Subject to change in the interests of scientific advancement.