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Nature’s Laws of
Harmony in the
Microcosm of Music

Part 1   •   Part 2


Music as a Harmonic
Medical Data Carrier

The Special Status of the
Ear in the Organism

The Ear as a
Medical Instrument

The Significance of the
Soul to Medicine

The Significance of
our Consciousness
to Medicine

The Significance of the
Soul to Human Evolution

Scientists of Tuebingen discover the Brain Regions responsible for
Self Awareness

The Future of Pharmaceutics

Peter Hübner



Peter Hübner - Micro Music Laboratories
Peter Hübner – The Significance of the Soul to Medicine

If some­body says: “I cure!” and he says this as a doc­tor, and he is not even the one who is the think­ing per­son and truly speak­ing – the crea­tor of his thoughts and words –, how can he be the one who cures?
It looks very much as if the whole matter of think­ing, speak­ing and then: cur­ing only takes place by means of na­ture, and is di­rectly con­trolled by na­ture – not by any­body else. This view could lib­er­ate all of us – if this is true! That is what en­ters my mind, and that is why I will come to the point now: if “we” think “we” are help­ing some­body in the field of health, we should fun­da­men­tally take into ac­count that na­ture has or­gan­ised eve­ry­thing in such a way that a liv­ing be­ing is ca­pa­ble of help­ing it­self out of its in­ner self.

And through which in­sti­tu­tion does it do so?

This is the soul. The soul passes the en­ergy of life and the in­tel­li­gence of life to the in­ner or­gans – which means: to our breath­ing, to our intellect, to our feeling and our mind, as well as our senses of per­cep­tion – which we must not con­fuse with our outer sen­sory or­gans, be­cause here we are deal­ing with our in­ner senses, which we also use in our dream for in­stance.

And through these, our in­ner or­gans of life, all these quali­ties of en­ergy, in­tel­li­gence, vi­tal­ity, har­mony etc. are passed on to our neuro-physi­ol­ogy.

But if this does not work – if we do not suc­ceed in ac­ti­vat­ing our soul for this – or if we even pre­vent our soul from do­ing so, then dis­ease ap­pears on the scene of our life.
Thus, dis­ease is only an ex­pres­sion that our soul is ham­pered in that normal activity, for which it is made.

Our soul takes care of eve­ry­thing: of our health: that we are feeling well – that we are happy: of eve­ry­thing con­cern­ing our life. But if we pre­vent it from do­ing so, our soul stops look­ing af­ter our well-be­ing and says: I want to move out of this house.

And then a per­son will be­come ill. And if the souḻs de­ci­sion to move out has be­come clear and defi­nite, then doc­tors say: this per­son can­not be cured.
But all this only hap­pens, be­cause the soul has de­cided: I do not like this house, I am mov­ing out of this house.

I be­lieve this to be an in­ter­est­ing point of knowl­edge and medi­cal con­tem­pla­tion in the medi­cal world of the fu­ture, be­cause it ul­ti­mately shows: what­ever ef­forts a doc­tor might un­der­take – it should only be a phase to reach that point where he can ac­ti­vate the soul to con­tinue main­tain­ing the body, where he can sup­port the soul in its in­ner strength, and es­pe­cially: in its in­ner har­mony.

Wise peo­ple such as Pythagoras, Socrates and Plato con­tin­ued to em­pha­sise that the best tool for this was a kind of mu­sic which was struc­tured ac­cord­ing to the har­mony laws of na­ture.
And Confucius, too, the great men­tal teacher in an­cient China, who, as we all know – just like Pythagoras – was a com­poser, mu­si­cian and phi­loso­pher, gave har­moni­cally struc­tured mu­sic the great­est sig­nifi­cance for the weal and woe of the whole of so­ci­ety.

But, ac­cord­ing to the state­ments of these wise men, it must not just be any kind of mu­sic – most mu­sic, es­pe­cially nowa­days, is only suit­able to ho­lis­ti­cally dis­turb or even de­stroy a per­soṉs har­mony of the soul.
But on prin­ci­ple there is no other ele­ment that is as suit­able to really har­mo­nise the soul and con­se­quently the whole per­son or even the whole of so­ci­ety in a sci­en­tific way and to sup­port it in its natu­ral health.

Hymns of the Sun 2nd Movement
With kind permission of AAR EDITION INTERNATIONAL

Subject to change in the interests of scientific advancement.