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  • The Global Action Report on Preterm Birth
  • A Documentary based on the Publication of the World Health Organization (WHO)

  • Peter Huebner
    Peter Hübner
    For about 50 years, the classical composer and musicologist Peter Hübner focuses in his Micro Music Laboratories® on the scientific investigation and utilization of the harmony laws of the microcosm of music.

    In 19 in­di­ca­tions, the ef­fects of Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic® have been ex­ten­sively ob­jec­tively veri­fied and the sci­en­tific ap­pli­ca­tion of the har­mony laws of the mi­cro­cosm of mu­sic have been rec­og­nized as a sci­en­tific meth­od­ol­ogy to con­vert the as­pect of dis­ease with the help of the har­mony laws into the as­pect of health.
    This was made pos­si­ble by the natu­ral and uni­ver­sal ef­fect of the laws of har­mony.

    Prof. Dr. med. Gunther Hildebrandt
    Prof. Dr. med. Gunther Hildebrandt

    is one of the fa­thers of chro­no­medi­cine and is rec­og­nised world-wide as a lead­ing medi­cal au­thor­ity in the field of
    • chronobiology
    • balneology
    • medical climatotherapy
    • physical medicine

    He founded the Euro­pean So­ci­ety for Chro­no­bi­ol­ogy and, for many years, was vicepre­si­dent of the In­ter­na­tional So­ci­ety for Chro­no­bi­ol­ogy.

    He also founded the L.R. Grote In­sti­tute for Physio­ther­apy and Re­ha­bili­ta­tion in Bad Berleburg and the In­sti­tute for Re­search into Re­me­dial Medi­cine in Bad Wildungen.

    At the Uni­ver­sity of Mar­burg – un­til be­com­ing emeri­tus pro­fes­sor – he was di­rec­tor of the In­sti­tute for Oc­cu­pa­tional Physi­ol­ogy and Re­ha­bili­ta­tion Re­search.
    These are the same laws of har­mony, which ac­cord­ing to Pythagoras de­ter­mine the course of the stars – what the fa­mous as­trono­mer Johannes Kepler was able to verify ob­jec­tively and thus raised as­tron­omy to an ob­jec­tive sci­ence; and they are the same laws of har­mony that con­trol the neu­ro­physi­ologi­cal func­tions of liv­ing be­ings – what chro­no­medi­cine (the well-known Pro­fes­sor Dr. med. Gunther Hildebrandt) was able to prove.

    When this natu­ral func­tion of the laws of har­mony in the or­gan­ism de­creases, the per­son be­comes ill – the same is true for the ani­mal and the plant. And if the laws of har­mony are strength­ened in the or­gan­ism, then hu­mans, ani­mals and plants be­come health­ier.

    Our li­ves and the very ex­is­tence of the cos­mos with­out the prac­ti­cal ap­pli­ca­tion of the laws of har­mony, as we find them in the mi­cro­cosm of mu­sic, is im­pos­si­ble and in­con­ceiv­able.

    There­fore Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic®, with its sci­en­tific ap­pli­ca­tion of the har­mony laws of the mi­cro­cosm of mu­sic, does not only aim at strength­en­ing health, but in par­ticu­lar also at a ba­sic ac­ti­va­tion of the cos­mic laws of har­mony in thought and feel­ing – a crea­tive cog­ni­tive proc­ess, which, for the bene­fit of all, is es­sen­tial for the growth of har­mony in the hu­man world and the world in­flu­enced by man.

    Ac­cord­ing to the great­est think­ers of all times and of all known ad­vanced civi­li­za­tions of high cul­ture the in­te­grated sci­en­tific and ar­tis­tic use of the laws of har­mony through the me­dium of mu­sic is the best method to edu­cate and train man in har­mony – an ex­tremely im­por­tant as­pect of edu­ca­tion and up­bring­ing, which is ne­glected and ignored to­day in the kin­der­gar­tens, schools and uni­ver­si­ties.

    By lis­ten­ing to it, eve­ry­one can get a pic­ture of his own and con­vince him­self of the qual­ity of this sci­en­tific and ar­tis­tic ap­proach for an es­sen­tial har­moni­za­tion of the world – in­di­vidu­ally, so­cially and en­vi­ron­men­tally.

    Cosmic Symphonies
    In clas­si­cal mu­sic – ac­knowl­edged to be the high­est mu­sic tra­di­tion – this pro­ject is ho­lis­ti­cally an ab­so­lu­te nov­elty of un­prece­dented far-reach­ing im­plica­tions: ar­tis­ti­cally, sci­en­tifi­cally and tech­ni­cally.

    Ar­eas where the sci­en­tific ap­pli­ca­tion and ar­tis­tic use of the har­mony laws of the mi­cro­cosm of mu­sic will gain more and more im­por­tance in fu­ture:

    • Medicine / Health
    • Education / Upbringing
    • Mu­sic / Bene­fits and Harms of Mu­sic in So­ci­ety
    • Harmony
    • STRESS

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