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Medical Media Group: So small is the world: Jerusalem – Tuebingen – Kiev – Cher­nobyl – Minsk – New York.

Peter Hübner: But it was already in Israel that the American interest in Medical Reso­nance Therapy Music® and in the phenomenon of digital pharmaceutics was initiated, because the conference there about pre- and perinatal medicine was participated also by many American scientists as speakers and listeners and after my speech they expressed great interest.

The same happened to me on the next conference at the University of Tübingen, where leading hormone researchers from USA were gathered and said: if this works – the application of the harmony laws of the microcosm of music in medicine – than this would constitute the greatest revolution in the field of modern medicine at all. And I think here in particular of the expression of the most famous American hormone re­sear­cher McCain – of whose students four received a Nobel Price –, he told me and my friends at the coffee table: “If this works, then this is the greatest thing in medicine”.

Medical Media Group: This was in those beginning times when there were not yet any medical studies.

Peter Hübner: Exactly, it was on that congress, on which I met the famous Soviet hormone researcher Prof. Dr. Alexander Reznikov, who then, after it, started with in­ves­ti­ga­tions at his endocrinological research institute in Kiev.

Well, and that attention, which my work received by the American scientists on these two congresses in Jerusalem and Tübingen, reached in relatively short time also the president of the American Institute of Stress. And he, again, invited me and my friends to the next international conference on Stress in Switzerland, to present my works there.

Prof. Dr. med. Paul J. Rosch
In a report

Clinical Professor of
Medicine and Psychiatry,
New York Medical College
Adjunct Clinical Professor
of Medicine in Psychiatry
University of Maryland
School of Medicine

Leading stress expert of our time
and official successer
of Prof. Dr. Hans Selye –
the founder of the stress research (who also shaped the term
“STRESS” – today used all
over the world)

Prof. Dr. med. W. Sidorenko
In a report

Medical University Minsk, Belarus
reporting at the XIV International Congress on
‘The Foetus as a Patient &
Foetal Cardiology’
Medical Media Group: Which you also did then.

Peter Hübner: And as a result I got invited by him every year again to this most im­por­tant stress conference of the world, in order to report here about the newest research re­sults of our Micro Music Laboratories, but also of those findings, which the medical ex­perts had made with Medical Resonance Therapy Music® worldwide.

Medical Media Group: And Prof. Rosch also arranged the presentation of the latest re­search results in connection with Medical Resonance Therapy Music® on the last yearly international conference of the Pavlov So­ci­ety, on which five new investigations in the fields of high blood pressure, pregnancy at risk, headache, epilepsy and psoriasis/neu­roder­ma­titis were presented by the re­search­ers.

Peter Hübner: And so it is not surprising that by now Prof. Rosch, the president of the American Institute of Stress, is certainly the best informed American medical expert re­gard­ing Medical Resonance Therapy Music®; but over the years he also took care, that on his international congresses more and more leading stress experts from all parts of the world were informed about this new phe­nome­non of digital pharmaceutics, or about this new branch of medicine respectively, and thus about the Medical Resonance Therapy Music®.
And because many American scientists urge us we direct our attention specifically to America now.

Medical Media Group: American scientists, particularly Prof. Rosch, try since years, to get that whole development as well as the in­ter­na­tional marketing of digital pharmaceutics – and in consequence also you – to the United States, so that you are able to operate from there and even more successfully than from Germany so far.

Peter Hübner: And it may be, that eve­ry­thing develops into this direction – but first we want to see, how the broad medical public of the USA reacts to it.
For this reason we first of all will start a greater information campaign in the USA and then see, how things develop.

Medical Media Group: And you yourself, you do not have any problems of going with all your activity to the United States?

Peter Hübner: No, not at all, I have been in USA very often, I have many friends there and I get along well there. Also with the language I do not have any problems. And I love the Americans’ unbroken will for freedom, which was a very great gain for us Germans after the war – you just have to compare West and East Germany – and in this respect I can only learn from the Americans.
But my friends, too, would not see any difficulties in moving the activity to USA and would even be very happy about such a creative change.

And in regard to establishing this new branch of medicine worldwide our move to USA is, in the eyes of many experts, the most intelligent next practical step anyway.