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Medical Media Group: In a natu­ral way the nu­clear ac­ci­dent of Cher­nobyl and the many medi­cal re­searches con­nected to it led rela­tively fast to in­ves­ti­ga­tions here in Ger­many and were im­por­tant for in­tro­duc­ing Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic in many hos­pi­tals.

Peter Hübner: And, last but not least, the medi­cal ex­peri­ences in Cher­nobyl played a vi­tal role in re­gard to in­tro­duc­ing this new branch of medi­cine to the medi­cal ex­perts as well as to the 22.000 phar­ma­cies and also in re­gard to the of­fi­cial ap­proval of the prod­ucts of this new digi­tal medi­cine – those CD-ROM / CDs as har­moni­cal data car­ri­ers – which had to pre­cede the in­tro­duc­tion.

Medical Media Group: How and where, prac­ti­cally, the in­ter­na­tional de­vel­op­ment of Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic was ini­ti­ated?

Peter Hübner: That hap­pened in Is­rael. I was on the con­fer­ence “Sec­ond Gen­era­tion Holocaust” in Is­rael and was in­vited there, to my sur­prise, to speak on an­other con­fer­ence in Je­ru­sa­lem, on the “In­ter­na­tional Con­fer­ence on Pre- and Peri­na­tal Medi­cine”.

The or­gan­izer, Prof. Dr. David Serr, who was train­ing the gy­ne­colo­gists at Tel Aviv Uni­ver­sity, had the opin­ion, that the medi­cal ex­perts from all parts of the world on this con­fer­ence should be in­ter­ested in my re­search in the field of the har­mony laws of the mi­cro­cosm of mu­sic, be­cause for phy­si­cians it would be well known, that in­ner har­mony and health are in close con­nec­tion with each other and that, in ad­di­tion, many phy­si­cians would be lovers of clas­si­cal mu­sic any­way and not sel­dom would even play clas­si­cal mu­sic on a clas­si­cal in­stru­ment them­selves.

Medical Media Group: So you spoke at this con­fer­ence about your re­search.

Peter Hübner: And there was a lot of in­ter­est. From the di­rec­tor of the In­sti­tute of En­do­cri­nol­ogy of the Uni­ver­sity of Tübingen, Prof. Dr. med. Gupta, who gave a speech there too, I was in­vited then, to speak at a fur­ther in­ter­na­tional medi­cal con­fer­ence “Neu­ro­en­do­cri­nol­ogy – Quid Novi”, which was pre­pared by his Uni­ver­sity.

Medical Media Group: This In­sti­tute of En­do­cri­nol­ogy at the Uni­ver­sity of Tü­bin­gen is in­ter­na­tion­ally con­sid­ered to be one of the most im­por­tant re­search in­sti­tutes for child-en­do­cri­nol­ogy.

Peter Hübner: And with this con­fer­ence the in­sti­tute cele­brated its ten year ex­is­tence.

At that con­fer­ence at the Uni­ver­sity of Tübingen, on which ob­vi­ously the lead­ing endocrinolo­gists of the world had got to­gether, was also, among oth­ers, one of the lead­ing endocrinolo­gists of the then So­viet Un­ion, Prof. Dr. med. A. Reznikov; he ap­proached me and said he would be in­ter­ested in con­duct­ing re­search with Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic in his Re­search In­sti­tute of En­do­cri­nol­ogy in Kiev. Prof. Reznikov was the di­rec­tor of this in­sti­tute.

How­ever, he thought he would have to point out to me – the art­ist – that he would be a medi­cal hard­liner and thus a clear fol­lower and rep­re­sen­ta­tive of in­cor­rupti­ble ob­jec­tive sci­en­tific in­ves­ti­ga­tion – one of the rea­sons for the fact that he so far had con­ducted only ani­mal ex­peri­ments.
But now he wanted to in­ves­ti­gate the hor­mo­nal ef­fect of Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic on pa­tients and in do­ing so ap­ply in­ves­ti­ga­tion meth­ods, which ex­clude a sub­jec­tive in­flu­ence be­yond the mu­sic prepa­ra­tions them­selves.
That his wife, suf­fer­ing from head­aches since many years, was free from head­aches af­ter a short pe­riod of ap­ply­ing Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic, made him per­son­ally very happy – how­ever for him, as medi­cal hard­liner, it was no ar­gu­ment for the ob­jec­tive ef­fec­tive­ness of our digi­tal mu­sic prepa­ra­tions.

Prof. Dr. med. A. Reznikov in conversation with professors and students following his lecture at the medical faculty of the University of Heidelberg
But what Prof. Reznikov then found out in his in­ves­ti­ga­tion down­right shook him – who he had al­ready suc­cess­fully been work­ing de­vel­op­ing sev­eral can­cer medi­cines – for sud­denly and un­ex­pectedly he came across a to­tally new medi­cine here.

He had to no­tice, that one and the same har­moni­cal medi­cal mu­sic prepa­ra­tion, low­er­ing hor­mone lev­els in pa­tients with too high val­ues, in­creased hor­mone lev­els in pa­tients with too low val­ues.
And the in­ves­ti­ga­tions showed, that it did not matter at all, whether some­one liked the mu­sic, was neu­tral about it or even re­jected it: the re­search re­sults were al­ways calculably the same.

Medical Media Group: And so it is only un­der­stand­able that fi­nally a whole group of re­search­ers came up, who went on with the in­ves­ti­ga­tions and ex­panded them to al­ways fur­ther fields of medi­cine.Next to other sci­en­tists also the son of Prof. Reznikov, be­ing a medi­cal doc­tor, par­tici­pated in these medi­cal in­ves­ti­ga­tions. To­day Dr. Reznikov Junior is the di­rec­tor of a branch of a Swiss phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal com­pany in the Ukraine.
And for him it was a natu­ral course of ac­tion, that he, to­gether with the Swiss com­pany and in prac­ti­cal co­op­era­tion with many phy­si­cians, ap­plied for in­tro­duc­ing Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic and thus digi­tal phar­ma­ceu­tics in Ukraine.

The in­ves­ti­ga­tion of his fa­ther and the fur­ther re­search stud­ies in Kiev con­nected with it and their good re­sults were the cause for ap­ply­ing Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic in the con­text of the nu­clear dis­as­ter of Cher­nobyl as well as for fur­ther re­search in Bela­rus and in the Ukraine, which kept on ex­pand­ing more and more. The last stud­ies were pre­sented a short while ago on a con­fer­ence of the in­ter­na­tional Pavlov-So­ci­ety in New York.