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peter hübner • micro music laboratories
M E D I C A L   R E S O N A N C E   T H E R A P Y   M U S I C®
R E D U C T I O N   O F   P S Y C H O – P H Y S I O L O G I C A L   M A N I F E S T A T I O N S   O F   S T R E S S


Research Fields Summary

Health of the Nervous System






Multiple Sclerosis



Arterial Nerves of the Arteries

Mental & Sensory Abilities

Cardiovascular Health

Health of the Hormone System

Health of the Immune System

Health of the Regenerative System

Healthy Sleep

Healthy Blood

Faster Recovery

Less Medication

Vital Energy


Release of STRESS


Women’s Health



Gynecological Surgery

Other Gynecological Problems

Children’s Health

Health of the Elderly

Health of Ear, Nose & Throat

Reduction of Pain




Health of the Skin



Health of Mind & Senses


Psychological Health

Release of STRESS


Reduction of Anxiety

Courage to Face Life

Reducing Negative Values

Strengthening Positive Values



Exposure to Radioactivity

Mother & Child



Scientific Studies and Clinical Observations – Summary
Health of Mind & Senses
  • Dispersion of mental manifestations of stress: normalization of the mental functions after gynecological surgery: there was complete normalization of 77.8% of the factors of the mental profile.
    In 11.1% of the factors there was a significant improvement and 11.1% of factors became worse.
    The levels for the control group: there was complete normalization of 10% of the factors, 10% showed significant improvement and 20% became worse. 10% of the factors became predominantly worse, 10% remained unchanged and 40% displayed vague effects.
    The common average profile after treatment with MRT-Music® showed a complete normalization of the mental functions. In respect to mood, 69% of the reports showed a significant improvement in mood and reported a feeling of an internal uplifting of the spirits.

  • Improvement in the mental state in mentally over-burdened women before, during and after gynecological surgery: in 22.2% a complete normalization and in 44.4% a significant improvement of the mental functions. None of the control group experienced complete normalisation, 23% experienced a significant improvement.

  • Normalisation of mental functions after uterine fibromyom surgery: By the treatment with the Medical Resonance Therapy Music® within the context of the complex therapy great changes in the mental profile took place – in 77,8% of the factors a complete normalization established – in 11,1% of the factors a significant improvement became evident – in 11,1% of the factors a deterioration occurred. The common average profile after the treatment with the Medical Resonance Therapy Music® did not surpass 50-55 t-points, indicating a complete normalization of the mental functions in this group on average.

  • Improvement of restless and melancholy emotional states in pregnant women under threat of miscarriage in the first trimester of pregnancy: Evaluating the MMPI a healing effect of the MRT-Music® could be documented in 14 out of 15 pregnant women. The improvement in the mood and the general state stood at 87% of the reports. At the end of the treatment with the MRT-Music® the mental state of 69,2% of the women was normal again; there was no incidence of a deterioration in the mental state.
    The results of the control group: in 40% a complete normalization, in 40% a further aggravation of the state.

  • Improvement of the mental state / self-judgment of the success of the epilepsy treatment: The application of the Medical Resonance Therapy Music® Group were considered by the patients in 90% of the treatments as successful, in 6,7% of the treatments as undefined and in 3,3% as negative.

  • Release of psycho-physiological manifestations of stress in older patients with atherosclerotic encephalopathy: The patients experienced very often a deep muscular relaxation combined with a sensation of warmth and with ease and sleepiness. Furthermore the symptoms “bad mood”, “lethargy”, “tension” and “touchiness” were significantly reduced or even completely released. Over and over again they reported of a release of stress, of the acquisition of distance from unpleasant things, the experience of gentleness, inner peace, a kind of freedom from care and a spiritual state of mind.

  • Improved mental state in women after vacuum aspiration: After the treatment complete normalization of the mental functions was re-established again in 22,2% of the women, in 44,4% a clear improvement could be documented, no change took place in 11,1% and 22,3% of the women experienced a certain degeneration.

  • Improved learning ability in older people with atherosclerotic encephalopathy: Regarding learning ability the performance had improved after 10 treatments with MRT-Music® by 18% on average.

  • Improved concentration in people with atherosclerotic encephalopathy: Regarding concentration the performance had improved after 10 treatments with MRT-Music® by 18% on average.

  • Improved reaction speed in people with atherosclerotic encephalopathy: Regarding reaction speed the performance had improved after 10 treatments with MRT-Music® by 18% on average.

  • Improved visual short-term memory in people with atherosclerotic encephalopathy: Regarding visual short-term memory the performance had improved after 10 treatments with MRT-Music® by 20% on average.

  • Improved visual-motoric co-ordination in people with atherosclerotic encephalopathy: Regarding visual-motoric co-ordination the performance had improved after 10 treatments with MRT-Music® by 18% on average.

  • Enhanced psycho-motoric speed in people with atherosclerotic encephalopathy: Regarding psychomotoric speed the performance had improved after 10 treatments with MRT-Music® by 9,6% on average.

  • Improving reaction precision in people with atherosclerotic encephalopathy: Regarding reaction precision the performance had improved after 10 treatments with MRT-Music® by 18% on average.

  • Improved auditory memory in older patients with atherosclerotic encephalopathy: Regarding auditory memory the performance had improved after 10 treatments with MRT-Music® by 8,1% on average.

  • Improved auditory memory in older patients with atherosclerotic encephalopathy: In most of the physical, psychological, sensory and mental performance parameter – except the parameter heart rate and anxiety – there were only slight but not statistically significant changes registered after each treatment. But at the end of the 10 treatments clear changes in comparison to the beginning of the treatment had become obvious. This indicates a training effect with the Medical Resonance Therapy Music®, which probably will be of great value in chronic diseases.
    Regarding auditory memory the performance had improved after 10 treatments with MRT-Music® by 8,1% on average.

  Concentration / Memory   For this indication please use the program:

  If you want to look at the studies in detail, please visit:
With kind permission of AAR EDITION INTERNATIONAL

Subject to change in the interests of scientific advancement.